Thu, 11. Feb 2021 Tarner, Hagen
Talking Realities
Paper on Audio Guides in Virtual Reality Visualizations published in CG&A Journal
Our work Talking Realities: Audio Guides in Virtual Reality Visualizations presents a new approach to data analysis in VR environments. For this, we combine immersive visualizations with synchronized audio feedback. For a short introduction, please watch the video below:
Clicking the image opens the video in a new browser window.
This work was done by Shahid Latif, Hagen Tarner, and Fabian Beck and will be published in an upcoming issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Parts of this work originate in our Master Project Group Data-Driven Audio Guides for Virtual Reality.
More information, as well as the full paper can be found in our publication archive: Talking Realities: Audio Guides in Virtual Reality Visualizations.