The Research Group is Moving!

During winter term 2021/22, we move to University of Bamberg. From Oct. 15, 2021, Fabian Beck holds a full professor position on Information Visualization.

New webpage of the research group:


Publications of the research group since 2016. For earlier publications, please visit Fabian Beck's Google Scholar or DBLP profile.

Set Streams: Visual Exploration of Dynamic Overlapping Sets

Type of Publication: Article in Journal

Set Streams: Visual Exploration of Dynamic Overlapping Sets

Agarwal, Shivam; Beck, Fabian
Title of Journal:
Computer Graphics Forum
Volume (Publication Date):
39 (2020)
Number of Issue:
Dynamic sets, streams, set visualization
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Set Streams: Visual Exploration of Dynamic Overlapping Sets (3.40 MB)
Talk associated with this publication:
EuroVis 2020
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In many applications, membership of set elements changes over time. Since each element can be present in multiple sets, the sets also overlap. As a result, it becomes challenging to visualize the temporal change in set membership of elements across several timesteps while showing individual set intersections. We propose Set Streams, a visualization technique that represents changing set structures on a timeline as branching and merging streams. The streams encode the changing membership of elements with set intersections. A query-based selection mechanism supports a flexible comparison of selected groups of elements across the temporal evolution. The main timeline view is complemented with additional panels to provide details about the elements. While the proposed visualization is an application-independent visualization technique for dynamic sets, we demonstrate its effectiveness and applicability through three diverse application examples and expert feedback.