Die Arbeitsgruppe zieht um!

Wir wechseln im Wintersemester 2021/22 an die Universität Bamberg. Ab 15. Oktober 2021 übernimmt Fabian Beck den dortigen Lehrstuhl für Informationsvisualisierung.

Neue Webseite der Arbeitsgruppe: https://www.uni-bamberg.de/vis


Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe, die seit 2016 erschienen sind. Frühere Publikationen von Fabian Beck sind auf Google Scholar oder DBLP zu finden.

An Expert Evaluation of Word-Sized Visualizations for Analyzing Eye Movement Data

Art der Publikation: Beitrag in Sammelwerk

An Expert Evaluation of Word-Sized Visualizations for Analyzing Eye Movement Data

Beck, Fabian; Acurana, Yasett; Blascheck, Tanja; Netzel, Rudolf; Weiskopf, Daniel
Titel des Sammelbands:
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Second Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
An Expert Evaluation of Word-Sized Visualizations for Analyzing Eye Movement Data (0,94 MB)
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Word-sized visualizations for eye movement data allow analysts to compare a variety of experiment conditions or participants at the same time. We implemented a set of such word-sized visualizations as part of an analysis framework. We want to find out which of the visualizations is most suitable for different analysis tasks. To this end, we applied the framework to data from an eye tracking study on the reading behavior of users studying metro maps. In an expert evaluation with five analysts, we identified distinguishing characteristics of the different word-sized visualizations.